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A peat "hag" .....
Closer view of the peat soil profile (peat = dead sphagnum moss).
Row of "bumps" between Little Mis Tor and the prison land .....
The corner of the HMP Dartmoor land .....
Prison land boundary stone at SX 56574 76412 .....
"DCP" - Directors of Convict Prisons, established 1877, abolished 1948 and merged into the Home Office.
Little Mis Tor seen from ther east, with the "bumps" which are tinners trial pits .....
Another view.
An unmarked boundary stone (Forest of Dartmoor?), at SX 56659 76239 .....
The "path" alongside the prison land fence, the boundary stone is seen towards the right - this is a soggy walk in parts.
And, another view.
The unmarked boundary stone.