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This walk: 2014-1-4. Pixies Cave, ..................
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Link to Google Satellite view of the area - including the GPS track of the walk (compare with the Ordnance Survey map plus track below)
Personalised Google map with GPS track .......... using the browser version and NOT GOOGLE EARTH "STAND-ALONE"
BETTER - Save As .CSV in Memory Map !!!
[Or, new setup may use this (gpx > kml) : http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=673522 ]
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View and Edit GPS Tracks with Google Maps: http://www.mapsmaniac.com/2012/08/view-and-edit-gps-tracks-with-google.html
The tool: http://www.trackprofiler.com/
Setting placemarks ................. helpful link ..... "mother" link .....
Needs to be done at the same rime as working with a track or route if required together, under My Maps/My Places
Set "Unlisted"
Choose the Add Placemark icon (at top, near zoom controls)
Move to correct location, edit it's information boxes
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Bing and Google maps side by side - but no GPS track.
when settled, click "Link to this page"
at top right and copy the new URL
http://www.jonasson.org/maps/ -
For PHOTOS 100% height - do a Search & Replace in HTML mode
Search: width="1000" height="750" Replace: height="100%" <img border="0" src="P1090460.JPG" width=100%> - Photos: 100 % WIDTH *************** <img src="something.png" style="max-width: 100%">
Corn ditches originate from the time when Dartmoor was a royal hunting area and there was a need to keep the King�s deer out of the cultivated land. A stone revetted wall and external ditch faced onto the open moor which deterred deer and other animals from jumping over, whilst the sloping grassy bank on the inner face allowed those animals which had entered to exit again without difficulty. Source: http://www.dartmoor-npa.gov.uk/aboutus/news/au-geninterestnews/au_crosspr10
A Glossary of Terms for Map Interpretation
Types of bench mark - http://www.jochta.com/maps/types.htm
http://www.justusuk.com/2010/01/cut-marks-bolts-and-flush-brackets.html - bench marks, levels etc.
http://www.arc018.com/article/designing-the-angular-logo-part-1 - design of the top of trig. pillars
Leap bridges - with granite springers
Crispin Gill (1970), Dartmoor - A New Study, David & Charles, page 132.
Dave Brewer (2002) Dartmoor Boundary Markers, Halsgrove, p. 158.
J. Hayward (1991, reprinted 2009), Dartmoor 365, Curlew Publications, page 136.
Eric Hemery (1983), High Dartmoor, Robert Hale, London, page 126.
Kath Brewer (1997), The Railways, Quarries and Cottages of Foggintor, Orchard Publications, Chudleigh, Newton Abbot, map p. 81.
Figure of the cairn, reproduced by kind permission of Jeremy Butler (ref. 29 Sept. 2012).
Image © J Butler 1994. Reproduced by kind permission (ref. 29 Sept. 2012).
Jeremy Butler (1994), Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities, Vol. 4, 13: Sharpitor North-east double stone row and nearby cairns, pages 46-47.
Jeremy Butler, 1994, Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities Vol. 3 - The South West, 3 - Raddick Hill West enclosures and cairns (fig. 46.3), pages 55-56. *****
J. Butler Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities III (1994) 47.10, fig. 47.7 (page 70).
J. Butler (1994), Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities Vol. 3 - The South West, 3 - Raddick Hill West enclosures and cairns (fig. 46.3), pages 55-56.
J. Butler (1994), Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities III, The South West. 45.13 Sharpitor North-east double stone row and nearby cairns, pages 46-47. ***
J. Butler (1994), Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities III, 45.14 Black Tor double stone row and cairns, pages 47-50. *****
Mike Brown's Guide to Dartmoor CD-ROM (2001), Dartmoor Press, Plymouth.
Paul Rendell (2007), Exploring Around Burrator - A Dartmoor Reservoir, The Dartmoor Company, Okehampton, page 24.
R Hansford Worth (1967), Worth's Dartmoor, David & Charles, Newton Abbot, pages 397-402.
William Crossing (1912, reprinted 2001) Crossing's Guide to Dartmoor, Peninsula Press, Newton Abbot, page ???
Dartmoor CAM movie.
TIP .....
A movie of Meldon Reservoir well and truly overflowing after the recently announced official drought! |
Size 200 x 150 pixels |
Click the photo to download File size: 2 MB. Length 18 secs |
MAP: Blue = planned route, Red = GPS satellite track of the walk.
The blue lines are the compass or GPS bearings. The red line is the route actually walked: it deviates sometimes from the blue lines to avoid obstacles such as thick bracken, gorse, bogs or clitter, and often to use paths or animal tracks that are not on the map. It may also be shorter than the planned (blue) route if the walk is curtailed for some reason.
© Crown copyright and database rights 2012 Ordnance
Licence number 100047373
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission.
This walk was reached .....................
the P symbol on the map .............
Distance - ? km / ? miles.
Start ? am, Finish ? pm, Duration ? hr ? min
Moving average ? kph / ? mph; Overall average ? kph / ? mph
All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions