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Heather & Ling


Cross-leaved heath (left), bell heather (centre) and common ling (right)
- all flowering at the same time.




  Cross-leaved heath also called Bog heather
Erica tetralix

Bell heather
Erica cinerea
Common heather or Ling
Calluna vulgaris
Where Damp situations Damp-dry situations Dry situations
Flowers Terminal cluster - pale pink, larger than Bell heather Long loose spike - bright red-purple Long dense spike - small pink/pale purple, in long rows?
Flowering period Jun-Oct. Jun-Oct, peak in late July/early Aug Jul-Oct, peak in late Aug/early Sep.
Leaves Whorls of four, downy grey-green Whorls of three, dark green Minute, overlapping 4 rows, dark green
Other notes Usually, Erica's are heaths Often found with gorse and bristle bent grass Usually, Callunas are heathers
Wikipedia link Cross-leaved heath Bell heather Common heather




All types - flowers can be pale to white!