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This walk: 2020-5-25. Postbridge car park and Visitor Centre, Bellever Forest road, new signposts.


This page shows a few extra photographs taken on the day of the walk.

Link to the main page, prepared as a Virtual Walk dated 25th April 2020 durig the first pandemic lockdown:


The revamped National  Park Visitor Centtre in Postbridge car park, re-opened Weds 19th August 2020. Parking charge �1 for up to 3 hours, �2 for longer.


A section of the road in Bellever Forest.


Signpost nearly halfway to the Lich Way gate ..... 2.25 km (1.4 miles) from the car park to the entrance of the Powdermills site .....


Signpost at the turn down to the main road .....


As previous photograph .....


Another view.

Link to the main web page for the walk


All photographs on this web site are copyright © Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions