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 Some photographs from a walk to Black Tor Falls in 1978, 40 years ago
(the colours are a little strange)


From left: Matthew (4), Berni and Lucy (2) at Black Tor Falls - we used to walk them!


Matthew (left) and Anna - quiet for a minute


View from above Black Tor Falls. The Meavy flows in at bottom left,
Devonport Leat can be seen in the distance and Leather Tor beyond.
I see no iron bridge in this photograph - we were brave in those days .....
(actually, we only had "wellies")


How did we cross the river to put the children on this lintel?



Looking down Raddick Hill at the tumbling leat, there is a lot of water
and no reins on the adventurous two-year-old!
Matthew, 4, sensible, is holding hands .....


She passed me running up the hill while I was playing photos


Just an impression of the rushing water - it was noisy.


On the same camera film, Anna's 2nd birthday - this is the evidence of ages in the photos.

These children walked a lot in their early years.



All photographs on this web site are copyright © Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions