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This walk: 2014-4-30. Gate-holder stone, Kestor Rock, distant deer,  hut circle, hawthorn tree, Hurston Castle / Castle Rock, sedge (Carex spp), drystone wall, Canada geese, Hurston, sundial, slotted gateposts, Lower Shapley, apple blossom, beech leaves, Two Moors Way, Mariners' Way,

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.

Link to Google Satellite view of the area - including the GPS track of the walk (compare with the Ordnance Survey map plus track below)


A gate-holder stone .....


Explaining how old gates were hung, with a holed stone top and bottom of the gate, akin to hinges .....


Enthrawled gathering, dressed for the cold, clammy day which started with pea-soup mist at Yelverton to Two Bridges!


The road to Fernworthy reservoir, through the remains of the mist.


Zoomed view to Kestor Rock, SX 6657 8625, elevation 437 metres (1433 feet), 2.2 km (1.37 miles) distant.


A herd of (probably Fallow) deer, through the mist and murk, approx. 520 metres (570 yards) distant.


Chagford Down hut circle at SX 6784 8333 at one of three settlements along the west bank of the Bovey, described by J. Butler (1991), Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities  II, The North. 45.8 Prehistoric settlements on Chagford Common (fig. 25.1), pages 29-30. This is hut circle 9 or 10 of settlement 6 shown on Map 25.


Distant hawthorn tree .....


with more zoom.


View to Castle Rock or Hurston Castle .....


Zoomed view.


A sedge (Carex species) - there are 84 species of true sedge in my book and without a specimen under a microscope, your guess gets to be as good as mine. There are many species of other sedge-like grasses, too.


Halfway through ther walk, the mist finally disappeared and the sun came out.


A good example of modern dry stone walling; this is enclosing much of Hurston .....


As previous photograph .....


As previous photograph .....


As previous photograph .....


Looking over the gate at SX 68215 83678 at an old entry lane, but we then used the modern lane ....


Along the way .....


Zoomed view of approaching Canada geese .....


More zoom!


Entering Hurston ..... on the 103 miles Two Moors Way (Eastern Route) .....


Entering Hurston ......


Hurston view .....


Swallows were flying around the yard ....


A fine old farmhouse ..... with a sundial on the wall .....


Wall-mounted sundial .....


Lower Hurston, value around �1.25M .....


Slotted gatepost .....


Gatepost with L-slots .....


Gatepost with straight slots .....


A pair of slotted gateposts - the nearer post has been turned around: a wooden bar would be inserted in the straight slots and then inserted into the L-slot on the matching gatepost and dropped into place to secure the "gate".


Water trough for livestock in a hedge, serving two fields.


A tumbling stream, photographed while waiting in the queue to climb over another stile!


Mother and young.


House at Lower Shapley.


Fruit blossom (apple?) .....


The tree.


Looking back at Lower Shapley.


Verdant, fresh beech leaves in a hedge .....


Closer view.


Yadworthy sign, on the 73 miles Mariners' Way; also see the Legendary Dartmoor description.     


The signpost .....


As previous photograph.


Grazing thoroughbred (one colour) Dartmoor pony at the car park.


Who ordered a "Jumbo sausage" at the Warren House Inn?


At the back of the Warren House Inn a cuckoo was being mobbed by smaller birds (Phone photo: Jan Powell).


Walk details

MAP: Red = GPS satellite track of the walk.

© Crown copyright and database rights 2012  Ordnance Survey Licence number 100047373
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission.


This walk was reached from the B3212 road running from Postbridge to Moretonhampstead, turning north after the Warren House Inn to Jurston, Tunnaford, and then towards Fernworthy. There is roadside parking on open moorland in the area indicated by the yellow cross.


Distance - 5.31 km / 3.30 miles.


All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions