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This walk: 2014-4-21. Burrator Arboretum re-opening by BBC Spotlight weather forecaster Emily Wood, in partnership with Radio Devon, the event being one of their recently started listeners' walks.


The car park before the walk - cars were parked a long way down the road as well.


BBC Radio Cornwall vehicle at this BBC Radio Devon walk, no wonder someone was a bit confused!


The proceedings begin .....


Emily, Emily and Neil.




BBC Radio Devon's Nina explains .....


Neil explains further ..... attended by Jacky in her Easter hat!


The re-opening takes place .....


The assembled 100+ start to enter the re-vamped Arboretum .....


An empty side-path, remade for disabled access .....


A short talk about bats, 17 species occur in the UK and 10 are seen here ......


Den-building is a popular children's activity here .....


Emily introducing Jacky, who spoke about fungi .....


Narrator Brook, with the boardwalk running alongside .....


A resting place combined with a passing place for wheelchairs.



Walk details

MAP: Red = GPS satellite track of the walk.

© Crown copyright and database rights 2012  Ordnance Survey Licence number 100047373
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission.


This walk was reached from Yelverton by following the road towards Princetown, turning right immediately after the Burrator Inn at Dousland, then turning left after leaving the houses, onto open moor (with Drake's leat i.e. Plymouth Leat down on the right).  Drive to the dam and continue straight past it, around the "top end" of the reservoir, over Norsworthy Bridge and past it's car parking area until you see the Arboretum car park on the left, marked by the yellow cross on the map.  Entry is via the wheelchair-friendly gate in the car park.


Distance - 1.88 km / 1.17 miles.  There are other tracks as well in the Arboretum and many other walks in the area.



All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions