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This walk: 2014-1-29. Yellowmeade Farm leat, Hill 60 Quarry, Hollow Tor Quarry, King Tor, Dartmoor Mission Hall, Rundlestone Tor, North Hessary Tor TV transmitter, Great Mis Tor, rock basins, Black Dunghill, weather station, DCP stones, milestones, Mistor Farm, Little Mis Tor.

Walk details below - Information about the route etc.

Link to Google Satellite view of the area - including the GPS track of the walk (compare with the Ordnance Survey map plus track below)




Potable water leat to Yellowmeade Farm which then drains away just beyond the farm.


Hill 60 Quarry, at SX 56985 74773; the name is possibly connected with the Battle of Hill 60 (Western Front, WWI) ..... see Hemery, page 1024 .....


Looking from the quarry towards buildings near the Rundlestone marked by the fir trees in the distance.


Zoomed view to the old SWW pumping station with the slope of Great Mis Tor behind.


From the quarry, looking at King Tor .....


Zoomed view to King Torm SX 556 738, elevation 400 metres (1312 feet).


Looking back across the car park on the main road to an old building at SX 5672 7502: Massey Lopes granted the land for the building of a church - Dartmoor Mission Hall.  In 1896, it was converted to a schoolroom that could take 70 children of the nearby quarrymen's families (from Foggintor etc).  It was then known as Foggintor Mission Hall School.


Another view of Hill 60 quarry .....


Soft rush, Juncus effusus, presently submerged.


On a previous walk, 16th March 2011, the following letter box was found ......

Harry's Box 40869, "North Hessary Tor", found on the way.



Approaching Hollow Tor Quarry, SX 5710 7455, elevation 470 metres (1541 feet) ..... worked for its granite until 1919 ..... the rock in the foreground has been worked by the feather and tare method.


Rundlestone Tor  SX 577 746, elevation 480 metres (1574 feet).


View of Rundlestone Tor with the North Hessary Tor TV transmitter.


Walking into Hollow Tor Quarry, so-called because it is now hollowed out OR .....


..... because it has a hollow in it when seen from another direction (on 11th January 2012), an old name according to Hemery (page 1024). 


Raindrops on rushes.


Another view of the interior of the quarry .....


As previous photograph, with rain drops on the camera lens.


Great Mis Tor, SX 563 769, elevation 538 metres (1765 feet) with some dim. dappled sunlight?


Rundlestone Tor, SX 577 746, elevation 480 metres (1574 feet).


Great Mis Tor again. looking over an area (left and off photo) runing down to the trees and across the road of small pits that were part of the miss-named Lucky Mine!


Just a view of the North Hessary Tor mast .....


A zoomed view showing the trig pillar on North Hessary Tor, SX 578 742, elevation 517 metres (1696 feet), and a section of the mast building. 


Large stone with rock basins at SX 57645 74571: this one is flat and was therefore formed with the rock in its present position, but .....


There is another basin under the left-most person, closer view next ..... smile, folks .....


Closer view .....


Basin exposed, which presumably formed earlier by virtue of its uneven (altered?) shape.


View to tors in the east, beyond the Long Plantation (seen at left edge), beyond which are the Beardown Tors, Longaford and Higher White Tors.


Black Dunghill in a patch of sunlight.


Roadside weather station at SX 5756 7495 ..... Link to Roadside Weather Stations.


Stile at the entrance to the private service road to the transmitter - probably not contemporary!


Sign made using an old granite window sill.


DCP stone - One of the many Directors of Convict Prisons stones marking the boundary of the prison: this one is at SX 57561 74955, in the middle of a road junction and sunk into the sideroad surface. Originally it had 390 acres originally granted but this was extended by 1,000 acres in 1867 when the whole area was marked by these boundary stones. Source: Dave Brewer, Dartmoor Boundary Markers, Halsgrove (2002), pp. 260-262.  Across the road from here .....


Close to SX 57561 74955, on the left, a milestone marked "TAVISTOCK 6 MILES (left) & MORETON HAMPSTEAD 12 MILES


On the left: WALK HAM TON & on the right: LID FORD.


Old, unmarked Forest of Dartmoor boundary stone, at SX 57290 75189.


Part of the Mistor and Rundlesatone tenements occupied particularly by the Eva family who were here in "clan strength" Ref. Eric Hemery (1983), High Dartmoor, Robert Hale, London, page 1023.  It is believed that they were responsible for the nearby East and West Lucky Mines (Mewy).


As previous photograph.


Clapper bridge on the old track up to Mistor Farm, SX 57142 75356.


Mistor Farm .....


Mistor Farm .....


Remains of Mistor Farm ..... in need of some serious propping! .....


The leeward side of the roof seems to have been sucked open by the wind?


Grassy lane off the track at Forest Gate .....


Another view of the same lane, note the blocked off gateway .....


The gateway (left) with walkers exiting the track to Mistor Farm and passing through Forest Gate.


DCP stone, SX 56937 75803, marked "DCP1" on the map (from another walk) .....


Old Forest of Dartmoor boundary stone, SX 56919 75810, marked "BS" on the OS map .....


Another view.


Zoomed view to Great Mis Tor, note the military flag staff on the summit and another old Forest of Dartmoor boundary stone on the slope, right of centre, halfway up.


"Reindeer moss", actually a lichen, Cladonia rangiferina.    


Little Mis Tor, SX 563 762, elevation 480 metres (1574 feet) .....


Inscribed on the tor, seen as approaching, a cross and memorial which says: To Chris Swanson 1980 Always Here .....


Our intrepid tor-counter .....


As previous photograph .....


Great Mis tor from Little Mis Tor .....


As previous photograph.


Back to the car park and the site of the old Dartmoor Mission Hall church / chapel which then became the Foggitor Mission Hall School; old SWW pumping house in the background.


Here comes a shower heading for the car park - and the sky looks bad, too!


Small road bridge over the leat for the track up to Yellowmeadee Farm .....


"Yellowmeade Farm".


Walk details

MAP:  Red = GPS satellite track of the walk.

© Crown copyright and database rights 2012  Ordnance Survey Licence number 100047373
Also, Copyright © 2005, Memory-Map Europe, with permission.


This walk was accessed by parking in the small quarry in the entrance to the track to Yellowmeade Farm, just off the B3357 road between Tavistock and Two Bridges.


Distance - 5.6 km / 3.48 miles.



All photographs on this web site are copyright ©2007-2016 Keith Ryan.
All rights reserved - please email for permissions