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Olympic Torch Relay 2012

Day 2, Plymouth, Laira Bridge, 20th May


Mostly, no captions.

At 8.15 am, the crowd was not so many .....




Half-an-hour later, police outriders blocking the side roads for the 'lead' convoy to come through .....












"Torch Relay Bus 2".


Sponsors, Coca Cola - it was the source of the music we heard .....




Spnsors, Samsung.


Lloyds TSB sponsors' staff, giving out their colours to children to wave.






"TP 01".






It can't be?!


Public traffic following the first convoy .....


Here they come!


Metropolitan Police woman carrying a torch (on her back) - I nearly missed her!








As previous photo, cropped, for the flame. Better image to follow ......






Runner 013, Adam Tofield, from Tavistock.


Kept for the flame!




Last view.


"London 2012 Torch Relay".


That's all, folks.


Plymouth torch bearers, from a since-disappeared Plymouth City Council web page (Days 1 and 2):

Ian Sherriff

Barbara Snowling

Barry Davies

Chris Goodman

Connor Mcarthur

Chris Jones

Dan Pengelly

George Phillips

Helen Goodall

Jessi Tait

Maddie Wood

Oli Milroy

Paul Greening

Perry Sprung

Rachel Nafzger

Spike Reid

Steve Wilson

Aaron Lloyd

Adam Tofield

Andy Netherton

Annie Johnsontrid Kovarsky

Jordan Anderton

Mark Ormrod

Matt Cornish

Paul Whiting

Maxime Le Guillou

I will try and find out who this runner was - I don't think this was Mark Ormrod (No. 14, scheduled for the final 'leg'), there must have been a change-over down the bridge although we were supposed to be on the last 'leg' of the Plymouth section. From the blog below, I would surmise that the runner was Adam Tofield.


A section of the running blog from the convoy .....

  1. 0849: For the first time today, the torch goes into convoy mode as the relay leaves Plymouth for the short hop to Brixton.

  2. 0845:Mark Ormrod, who has just taken the flame to big cheers from the crowd, lost both of his legs and one arm on active service with the Royal Marines in Afghanistan. He works for a charity and still keeps fit, which includes running with his specially made false legs.

  3. 0840: As Annie Johnson a dedicated sports leader at Plymouth's All Saints Academy, ends her run to huge applause from family friends, now we have Adam Tofield, 24, from Tavistock. He has been head coach for Tavistock Athletic Club juniors for a number of years and was the winner of the UKA south-west junior volunteer of the year award in recognition for all his hard work and successes.

  4. Neil Monk tweets: "My torch will be treasured and so will my ambassador uniform."

  5. 0837: BBC's Johnny Morris in Cornwall: "Olympic torches being used in the South West have started appearing on Ebay. One torch being sold in Paignton has a starting bid of �3,500. Bids on another torch - which the seller says was used in the Cornwall leg of the relay on Saturday - stand at �820. But one torch being auctioned in Cheshire has a bid of �100,000."





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